This month we will feature Apeiron, last month’s new release. Stay tuned for more about Swoop in next month’s Software Showcase.
Ambrosia uploaded Apeiron on the eleventh of February and things have just not been the same since. Apeiron is the opening onslaught in Ambrosia’s classic two pincer battle plan for its continuing war on productivity. Beg for mercy, but none shall be spared. No prisoners!
Reports have been flowing into Ambrosia’s “Tactical Operations Center” detailing widespread destruction. GPA’s are dropping like flies, mild mannered office workers are barricading themselves into their cubes, people are seeing creepy-crawly things in their sleep. All in all, a job well done. but there is no rest.
Alright! Cheech the Pentipede walked right into your ambush! Kill the bugs, kill the bugs, kill the bugs!
Wow, this yummy meter is pegged! If you are seeing this when playing, you have it made. Rock & roll baby!
What is all the fuss about? Find out by checking the January issue of The Ambrosia Times. A review of the game, complete with screenshots and sounds, can be found there. Or better yet, visit your local Cyberspace quickie mart and give it a download.
Trust me, it will be the last thing you have a conscious memory of doing...
Ambrosia Software, Inc. is running an Apeiron high score contest! You must be a registered user of Apeiron to enter the contest, and the deadline for entering is June 1st, 1995.
Simply send your name, and the Score Code that appears below to us via fax, eMail, or US Mail and we’ll enter you in the contest! The top 50 scorers will all receive a cool Ambrosia Software Apeiron t-shirt. The top three scorers will receive $300, $100 and $50 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place respectively.
Inside Mac Games — The Premier Macintosh Gaming Magazine — will be publishing the current top ten scores each month until the contest ends, so you’ll know how your competition is doing! If you don’t subscribe to Inside Mac Games, I highly recommend it. Subscriptions are only $59 a year, $79 international, published on CD ROM only.
Inside Mac Games
3862 Grace Lane
Glenview, IL 60025
(800) 339-0636 — Orders only
(708) 486-0636 — Tel.
The contest is underway and will end June 1st, 1995, so get your score codes in quick! See below for more contest information. Now onto a breakdown of this month's top scorers in the Apeiron High Score Contest:
Rank Score Name
1 1,464,979 Miles Hardison
2 1,022,743 Michael Alletto
3 835,086 Stuart Pollack
4 630,998 Barry Maggert
5 510,109 Darren Yee
6 509,366 Tom Luhrs
7 498,044 Marshall Welsch
8 481,264 Justin Williams
9 481,264 Paul Talarico
10 426,150 Rick Workman
50 126,491 Terry Richardson
There is still plenty of time to enter the contest, so crack your knuckles and get those codes in!